Gore, Quayle, Stockdale: Scenes from the '92 VP Debate
We video-watchers live in an ambivalent age--the SNL spoofs of vice-presidential debates of yore are nowhere to be found on YouTube, and not everything is up and running on Hulu yet.
So for fond memories from previous veep debates, we'll have to settle for the crazy originals. Here's a moment from the 1992 vice-presidential debate between Al Gore, Dan Quayle, and James Stockdale, who was Ross Perot's running mate (and who, like John McCain, spent years in a Vietnam prison camp).
If Biden and Palin want to strive for true veep chaos, they're going to have to compete with this:
For more from that '92 debate, click here to watch the opening statements. At 7:15 is the most famous moment--Stockdale's eternal existential questions: "Who am I? Why am I here?"
The Observer has a great roundup of of veep debate moments here.