Robert Shapiro, who defended O.J. Simpson alongside Robert Kardashian, says he'll offer Kim a job if
- Kim Kardashian West has a job waiting with the lawyer that worked closely with her father if she passes the bar exam.
- Robert Shapiro worked with Robert Kardashian on the O.J. Simpson trail.
- He told TMZ Kardashian West has the skills to be a great lawyer.
- Kardashian West is currently apprenticing at a San Francisco law office.
- She tweeted yesterday that she'd "aced her test," so it appears she's well on the way.
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The lawyer who defended O.J. Simpson alongside her father has offered Kim Kardashian West a job if she passes the bar, according to TMZ.
Robert Shapiro, who worked closely with Robert Kardashian on the case, told TMZ Kardashian West has the skills to be a great lawyer, and he would welcome her into his firm.
"Once she passes the bar, she'll always have a job at my law firm," he said. "I think she'll be a sensational lawyer. Look what she did with the President of the United States. She got somebody right out of jail."
Shapiro was referring to when Kardashian West met with President Trump last year to ask him to free Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year-old who was serving a life sentence without parole for nonviolent drug offenses.
When asked whether or not she'll be taken seriously by the legal community, Shapiro responded: "It's going to be a very difficult and long process for her doing it the way she's doing it, I wish her the best of luck."
Kardashian West told Shapiro a year ago she was planning on taking the bar, he said.
When asked whether she'll be as good a lawyer as her dad, he replied: "Her dad didn't really practice law," suggesting Kardashian didn't contribute much to the strategy of Simpson's defense.
Meanwhile, Kardashian West tweeted yesterday that she'd "aced her test." She is currently apprenticing at a San Francisco law office, and hopes to take the bar in 2022.
—Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) April 17, 2019Kardashian West received mixed responses when she announced her dream to become a lawyer. But she defended her decision, saying she isn't taking the "easy way out" and that it's never too late to follow your dreams.
"You can create your own lanes, just as I am," she wrote on Instagram. "The state bar doesn't care who you are."
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