
Portsmouth Mum Speaks Out After Son's Death

Mother and Son Warn of the Dangers of Alcohol Related Violence in Hampshire over the Festive Period.

People enjoying a festive night out in Portsmouth are being warned about the dangers of getting into a drunken fight, as the Safer Portsmouth Partnership launches a hard-hitting video to combat alcohol-fuelled violence over the Christmas and New Year period.

The 'One Punch Can Kill' video aims to remind people that too much drink can turn a good night into a tragic disaster with potentially lethal consequences.

Alcohol-fuelled violence has resulted in the deaths of two young men in the city over the last two years. Kyle Bartlett was one of them. Tragically, on May 5th 2009, he was fatally injured during a fight inside a bar on Guildhall Walk.

His mother, Ann Bartlett, joined forces with the Safer Portsmouth Partnership in May 2011 around the second anniversary of Kyle's death, to launch the 'One Punch Can Kill' campaign.

Ann and Kyle's brother, Jack are now campaigning to reduce alcohol-related violence in Portsmouth's bars, pubs and clubs. In addition they are working alongside the Police and Portsmouth City Council's Health Improvement Development team, educating young people in schools and colleges on the dangers of excessive drinking.

Kyle's family and friends both feature in the short film. Video images of Kyle as a young boy and Ann talking about her loss seek to warn party goers of the tragic consequences of drinking too much and throwing just one punch. Two of Kyle's friends play the roles of victim and offender.

Jack Bartlett, 21 said:

"I'm only 21 myself, sure I like to go out with friends and have a drink but I know when to stop and I know when to walk away from trouble.

We want people to enjoy Christmas and New Year but people need to realise that drinking excessively and punching someone just once can ruin their life as well as ending someone else's. It's just not worth the risk.

Losing my big brother in a drunken fight has been utterly devastating for me, my Mum and the rest of my family. We will never be the same again. I lost my friend and my brother that day.

I cannot let other people go through what myself and my family are going through now. I'm hoping that this video will make people think twice about drinking to excess and think twice about throwing a punch. I'm asking the public to watch this video and pass it on via email or facebook to everyone you know."

To see the video visit or YouTube

For more information on the One Punch Can Kill campaign visit or the Safer Portsmouth Partnership facebook page.

For more information on the Kyle Bartlett Memorial Fund visit


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-05-14