
Teachers strike in the West Midlands

Hundreds of teachers will be going on strike today in a dispute over changes to pensions and working conditions.

The walkout is being held as part of regional protests across the country, leaving some schools having to close, but others remaining partly open.

Members of the National Union of Teachers and the NASUWT voted to take strike action over Government reforms which would link teachers pay to performance in the classroom, with schools setting salaries themselves rather than following a national framework.

Union bosses have revealed that more strikes are likely to take place before Christmas.

Worcestershire School Closures

Shropshire School Closures

Warwickshire School Closures

Coventry School Closures

Staffordshire School Closures

Birmingham School Closures 

Sandwell School Closures 

Solihull School Closures

Wolverhampton School Closures

Telford School Closures

Walsall School Closures


Larita Shotwell

Update: 2024-07-13