
James B Donovan's family reveals life of lawyer immortalised by Tom Hanks

There are few who can say they played an integral part in almost every major event of 20th century history after World War Two. James B Donovan can.

He helped send senior Nazis to the gallows at Nuremberg, engineered Cold War spy swaps, apparently scuppered a CIA plot to poison Fidel Castro and won the admiration of JFK. Oh, and he gained the respect of both sides during the birth of the US Civil Rights movement.

None of which is bad for a man who was, on paper at least, an insurance lawyer born in the Bronx.

Yet Donovan - Jim to his friends - has for more than 40 years been little more than an asterisk in the history books, a note at the bottom of pages describing many of the defining moments of the last century. 

Mutual respect: James B Donovan played a vital role in many of the 20th century's defining moments, like meeting with Fidel Castro after Bay of Pigs to negotiate the release of 9,700 people in Cuba (pictured together in 1963)

Mutual respect: James B Donovan played a vital role in many of the 20th century's defining moments, like meeting with Fidel Castro after Bay of Pigs to negotiate the release of 9,700 people in Cuba (pictured together in 1963)

Fame: However, his story has been overlooked since his death in 1970. But that is set to change with the release of Bridge of Spies, Steven Spielberg's new film starring Tom Hanks as the insurance lawyer (pictured)

Friends in high places: The film will tell the tale of how Bronx-born Donovan negotiated swapping a KGB spy for a CIA agent - on a mission behind the Iron Curtain signed off by JFK, who would become his friend. Pictured: JFK congratulates Donovan on the successful exchange

Friends in high places: The film will tell the tale of how Bronx-born Donovan negotiated swapping a KGB spy for a CIA agent - on a mission behind the Iron Curtain signed off by JFK, who would become his friend. Pictured: JFK congratulates Donovan on the successful exchange


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But all this is about the change as his remarkable story, which saw him go from a figure of scorn in the United States to a national hero, is set to be revealed to the world in Steven Spielberg's new film, Bridge of Spies.

And ahead of its release in the States on Friday, MailOnline has spoken to his children about the man who shaped key moments in history - but still had time to be a 'wonderful' father. 

The film, already tipped as an Oscar contender, stars Tom Hanks as Donovan, and tells the tale of how this father-of-four saved 'master spy' Rudolf Abel from the chair after the Russian KGB agent was caught by the FBI in 1957. But that was just the beginning.

The British-born Abel (played by Mark Rylance in the film) had spent nine years undetected in the U.S. posing as a guitar-playing painter, Emil Goldfus. His studio had been right across from the FBI Brooklyn office and the courtroom where his trial would take place. 

After FBI agents stormed the hotel room where he had been staying - Abel was naked, and would later joke to Donovan that he was 'caught with his pants down' - a number of lawyers were approached to defend him. None but Donovan would have the guts to take on what is also known was the 'Hollow Nickel Case'.

Donovan took it on despite the fact he worked for a top corporate law firm which he had co-founded. The case represented to Donovan an opportunity, what he called 'the privilege of advocating unpopular causes'.

It certainly was unpopular: the former U.S. Navy Commander was called a 'Commie' to his face - a word which had come to mean the equivalent of 'traitor' in the depths of the Cold War.

Challenge: Donovan (left in 1957) decided to take on the case of Rudolf Abel (right), despite being an insurance lawyer and everyone else refusing to represent the KGB spy

Challenge: Donovan (left in 1957) decided to take on the case of Rudolf Abel (right), despite being an insurance lawyer and everyone else refusing to represent the KGB spy

Determination: The public and government wanted Abel executed, but Donovan believed he should be kept alive in case he could be of use later on, in a prisoner swap. Pictured: Mark Rylance as Abel and Hanks 

Determination: The public and government wanted Abel executed, but Donovan believed he should be kept alive in case he could be of use later on, in a prisoner swap. Pictured: Mark Rylance as Abel and Hanks 

Foresight: His ability to see how world events were going to play out came in use three years later, when CIA pilot Francis G Powers crashed in the Soviet Unio Bargaining chip: Abel was their best chance to save him

Foresight: His ability to see how world events were going to play out came in use three years later, when CIA pilot Francis G Powers (left) was shot down in May 1960 while flying through Soviet airspace. Abel (right) was their best chance to free him 

Disaster: The pilot was flying a U2 spy plane (pictured) when he crashed in 1960, and was then imprisoned

Disaster: The pilot was flying a U2 spy plane (pictured) when he crashed in 1960, and was then imprisoned

It also brought his family threats and scorn. Even now, almost 60 years later, his son John remembers the 'extremely unpleasant and threatening calls' at home day and night. 

John said: 'There were pickets, hostilities of all kinds. A longer, and more intense atmosphere about all this.' 

Donovan simply got a new, unlisted phone number and continued. His cool head would serve him well in the years to come. His family, meanwhile, would get used to picketers outside their apartment building.

The public and the government wanted to see Abel executed, but Donovan was firmly against it - he had a bigger plan.

'The death penalty would end all possibilities of Abel helping us. Some day in the future an American of similar rank may be held by the Russians and an exchange can be worked out.'

It is almost as if he could foresee later events. 

In the end, Abel wouldn't even get a life sentence. Thanks to Donovan's deft legal defense he was given 30 years. Tom Hanks marvelled at the lawyer's real-life performance: 'Donovan had given a vociferous, authentic and passion-filled defense for this Soviet spy who was arrested.' 

It was a stunning victory for Donovan and his client, but it left many in the public angry. They didn't want to see a treacherous, Russian spy get off so easily. Despite public anger, Donovan decided it was time to appeal to the highest court in the land.

Success: After months of negotiating, and having to cross into East Germany, a swap was arranged on the Glienecke Bridge, commonly known as the 'Bridge of Spies', that connected East and West Germany. Donovan was hailed as a hero for rescuing Powers, and Abel was grateful to go home

Success: After months of negotiating, and having to cross into East Germany, a swap was arranged on the Glienecke Bridge, commonly known as the 'Bridge of Spies', that connected East and West Germany. Donovan was hailed as a hero for rescuing Powers, and Abel was grateful to go home

Dedication: The Americans would have been happy with just Powers, but Donovan was determined to negotiate the freedom of two other alleged U.S. spies, which he managed

Dedication: The Americans would have been happy with just Powers, but Donovan was determined to negotiate the freedom of two other alleged U.S. spies, which he managed

Gratitude: Abel remained grateful to Donovan, for both his return and how he defended him. This letter - addressed to 'Jim' - shows the bond which had developed between the men

Gratitude: Abel remained grateful to Donovan, for both his return and how he defended him. This letter - addressed to 'Jim' - shows the bond which had developed between the men

In 1959, the lawyer took Abel's case to the Supreme Court, maintaining he had been illegally detained, and Donovan nearly managed to have the conviction overturned, losing by a vote.

Donovan seemed satisfied by the ruling.

'The very fact that Abel has been receiving due process of law in the United States is far more significant, both here and behind the Iron Curtain, than the particular outcome of the case,' he would later tell the press. 

Son John, who was then 12, got to see the relationship between the two men first-hand. Donovan used to bring his son to visit the spy (and said that Rylance's performance 'nailed' his character). 

The two, John told MailOnline, serenaded him on one occasion with 'Rudolf the Red-Faced Spy'. The two shared 'a mutual respect' and 'similar traits', John said.

And no one could help admiring Donovan's ability to see how world events were going to play out when, in 1960, the value of the Russian spy became abundantly clear to all after CIA pilot Francis Gary Powers' U-2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union. 

Dreams: Donovan - here with wife Mary - had dreamed of being a journalist, but went into law before joining the U.S. Navy, where he became a commander, and then the predecessor to the CIA from 1943

Dreams: Donovan - here with wife Mary - had dreamed of being a journalist, but went into law before joining the U.S. Navy, where he became a commander, and then the predecessor to the CIA from 1943

Key role: It was Donovan's (a former Navy Commander) idea to film the horrors of the Nazi occupation and use it as evidence during the Nuremberg Trials. They are said to have been key in getting death sentences for 12 of the leaders

Key role: It was Donovan's (a former Navy Commander) idea to film the horrors of the Nazi occupation and use it as evidence during the Nuremberg Trials. They are said to have been key in getting death sentences for 12 of the leaders

Powers' father, Oliver, wrote to Abel and enquired about a possible prisoner swap. Abel turned the letter over to Donovan, and he spoke to the CIA.

Donovan continued his work as a corporate lawyer, but was also unofficially working for the CIA as he tried to engineer the spy swap, which he later detailed in his account 1964's best-seller Strangers on a Bridge now in re-issue and is the focus of Spielberg's new film.  

For nine months, Donovan wrote to Abel's 'wife' Hellen and his 'family lawyer' back in East Germany, Wolfgang Vogel. A plan had been hatched for an exchange, and President Kennedy himself signed off on it. Donovan would travel to London for a work trip, where he did have legitimate business concerns, before heading behind the Iron Curtain.

Most would be scared, but not Donovan. Daughter Jan recalls how, just before the trip, the two sat in the car, with Donovan rubbing his hands together - a habit whenever he was excited about something. 

'Little did I know at the time, it was because of his trip to Berlin. He wasn't afraid, but excited,' she told MailOnline.

In London, he checked into Claridge's. On the eve of his trip to Berlin, he sent two letters back home. He wrote to his wife on the hotel stationery that he would go to Scotland for a break after tiring meetings.

The second letter was of a more personal nature. Always the concerned father, Donovan wrote to John, who had been in some trouble at school. John has the letter in the top drawer of his desk, and he still peruses it when he faces challenges. The elder Donovan wrote: 'My main advice to you is relax.'

Patriot: After the war, he had gone into private practice. But the Bridge of Spies incident was far from the last time the devout Catholic and family man was called upon to serve his country

Patriot: After the war, he had gone into private practice. But the Bridge of Spies incident was far from the last time the devout Catholic and family man was called upon to serve his country

Tensions: After the Bay of Pigs disaster, America once more turned to Donovan to negotiate for the release of the prisoners. On his penultimate trip to see Castro, he took his son along - which did not impress his wife Mary, played here by Amy Ryan (pictured centre)

Tensions: After the Bay of Pigs disaster, America once more turned to Donovan to negotiate for the release of the prisoners. On his penultimate trip to see Castro, he took his son along - which did not impress his wife Mary, played here by Amy Ryan (pictured centre)

The U.S. government was not relaxed. Donovan recounted to Jimmy Breslin in 1962 that a State Department official contacted him once he had arrived in Berlin. 

'We're getting awfully afraid that they might hold you as a hostage,' they said. 

Donovan replied: 'The proper medication for that worry is a 12-year-old Scotch.'

Donovan was sure he was going to free at least two Americans for Abel, though the State Department told him to give up on the plan and focus on freeing Powers alone. 

'They wanted me to... go over there with my hat in my hand and try and break even. That isn't my style,' he said.

The deal was made, and on the eighth day a prisoner swap was arranged. Powers was to be swapped for Abel on a bridge and everyone was to come unarmed.

In a moment of high drama, it all went smoothly, but Donovan later revealed that he had a .32 pistol hidden in an umbrella handle. He said it made him feel 'very good'.

Meanwhile, Michigan-born Yale student named Frederic L. Pryor was released at a checkpoint a short distance away.

In addition, Donovan also paved the way for the eventual release of University of Pennsylvania student Marvin Makinen.

'He wasn't going to leave that bridge until all the right people were freed,' said Jan simply.

The man who had been vilified was now a hero. President John F. Kennedy sent a letter of thanks and received him in the Oval Office; it was the beginning of a friendship.

However, the fact an insurance lawyer had apparently been plucked from relative obscurity to defend Abel was not quite as strange as it first seemed.

Donovan was an Irish-Catholic born in the Bronx in 1916 to a successful surgeon who had put himself through medical school by teaching Latin and ancient Greek. 

A young Donovan - who always had raw ambition, and according to John, a great 'curiosity' - was dissuaded from becoming a journalist after he finished an English degree at Fordham, and instead he went to Harvard to study law.

But then came the war, and his life took a slight detour. Donovan went into the Navy, before going on to serve as the General Counsel to the Office of Strategic Services, the OSS -  the predecessor of today's CIA. 

Poison plot: On that occasion, certain elements in the CIA attempted to give him a poisoned wetsuit as a gift to Castro. Whether he knew of the plot is not clear, but Donovan decided to go and buy a new wetsuit for Castro before they left. Pictured: RFK speaking with Donovan at an event in New York

Poison plot: On that occasion, certain elements in the CIA attempted to give him a poisoned wetsuit as a gift to Castro. Whether he knew of the plot is not clear, but Donovan decided to go and buy a new wetsuit for Castro before they left. Pictured: RFK speaking with Donovan at an event in New York

Justice: Donovan (highlighted), in his role at the General Counsel to the Office of Strategic Services, the OSS - the predecessor of today's CIA, ended up working at the Nuremberg Trials where decided the Nazi's war crimes had to be documented so murderous leaders could be held to account when the war was finished

Justice: Donovan (highlighted), in his role at the General Counsel to the Office of Strategic Services, the OSS - the predecessor of today's CIA, ended up working at the Nuremberg Trials where decided the Nazi's war crimes had to be documented so murderous leaders could be held to account when the war was finished

It was in this role that he ended up working at the Nuremberg Trials. It was Donovan who decided the Nazi's war crimes had to be documented so the murderous leaders could be held accountable properly in a court of law when the war was finished. 

With the help of Oscar Award-winning director John Ford, Rogers-Astaire film director George Stevens, and Ray Kellogg, who later became a special effects master at 20th Century Fox, he captured some of the most harrowing footage ever seen.

Donovan introduced the footage to the court on the eighth day of the trial. Up until that point, John said, German Vice Chancellor Herman Goring 'was very optimistic about prevailing - and then came those terrible films'. 

The film showed the atrocities committed inside the camps - the starved bodies, the vacant stares of people awaiting their fates, and the gruesome gas chambers, still filled with remnants of human skeletons.

In one scene at Belsen, a bulldozer pushes through the piles of dead bodies. Everyone who saw the film in the courtroom was appalled and reacted in horror – while the Nazis in the dock knew their fate was sealed.

It was a defining moment, orchestrated by Donovan. The evidence was damning and undeniable. Twelve top Nazi officials were sentenced to death, one in absentia, and the rest were given lengthy prison terms up to life.

But history had not finished with James B Donovan. Soon after the prisoner exchange in East Germany, Donovan was once again called upon to come to the aid of his country.

New career: Donovan was once again hailed as a hero. He now turned his attention to public service, becoming head of the New York education board

New career: Donovan was once again hailed as a hero. He now turned his attention to public service, becoming head of the New York education board

The U.S. had launched its disastrous Bay of Pigs Invasion in April 1961, and now most of the U.S.-backed fighters were stranded in Cuba.

 Their families soon came to Robert F. Kennedy, asking for him to procure their release. 

Kennedy told them to contact Donovan, who was then running for a seat in the U.S. Senate as a Democrat against the incumbent Republican Jacob Javits. 

Donovan accepted, despite knowing his campaign would suffer. In his eulogy, friend Rev. Robert Gannon said Donovan thought the trade-off worthwhile. 

'He would have liked to be a senator but did not regard that as being quite as important as the safety of the 10,000 human beings he was working to release so he neglected his campaign and lost the election.'

Donovan was soon flying down to Miami and then taking a small plane to go to Cuba, alone. It was a trip he would make at least half a dozen times in 1962, building trust with Fidel Castro, who had taken power in 1959. 

He would later joke to his daughter Jan, who was having some problems in college, that 'he had more trouble in negotiations with the principal at the school than he did with Fidel Castro'. 

After multiple meetings, Castro told him: 'I thought you might be just another shrewd American politician. But I've come to see you in an entirely different light.' 

Donovan was more sceptical about Castro. He told his son: 'He needed to change his priorities...there's a cult of personality, Castro himself bought into that.'

The failed Invasion had led Castro to seek protection from another super-power, the U.S.S.R., which set up missile sites in the country during the summer of 1962. It was the closest the world had ever came to a nuclear war.

Despite escalating tensions between the States and Cuba, Donovan's negotiations were miraculously still intact.  

Donovan himself came under fire, again, for appeasing 'the enemy'. However, his determination would prove undeniably worthwhile by Christmas Eve 1962, when the last of the 1,113 Bay of Pigs prisoners and more than 8,000 others had flown to the U.S.

In return, Donovan had secured $52million-worth - $410million (£265million) in 2015 terms - of food and medicine donated by American companies to be delivered in installments over the next year. 

But 35 prisoners still remained in Cuban custody, including CIA operatives, and Donovan continued his trips. 

In April of 1963, Donovan flew to Cuba, but this time, not alone. Robert Kennedy sent his top aide John Dolan, and Donovan decided to bring his 18-year-old son along for the five-day visit as a sign of goodwill - not that wife Mary was overly impressed with the idea.

John recalls overhearing 'unpleasantness' between his parents. 

'My mother was questioning very seriously whether or not he should be taking me down there, or even going himself. There was a fair amount of family tension.'

Father: It allowed him to spend more time with his family (pictured on holiday in Lake Placid). He had hoped to become a senator, but his attentions were diverted when he was asked to negotiate with Castro and he lost the campaign

Father: It allowed him to spend more time with his family (pictured on holiday in Lake Placid). He had hoped to become a senator, but his attentions were diverted when he was asked to negotiate with Castro and he lost the campaign

Sense of humour: He would later joke to daughter Jan that trying to get something sorted with her college director was more difficult than negotiating with the Cuban leader. Pictured with a granddaughter Beth Amorosi and wife Mary

Sense of humour: He would later joke to daughter Jan that trying to get something sorted with her college director was more difficult than negotiating with the Cuban leader. Pictured with a granddaughter Beth Amorosi and wife Mary

However, Castro himself had a son, and Donovan knew that he'd understand the value of the gesture. Just because the two had developed a rapport, didn't mean Donovan thought his visits were without risk. 

He told The Nation that month: 'The entire situation is fluid. It is volatile and highly explosive... Each trip has to be handled on an ad hoc basis, and I have to use on-the-spot judgment in a situation where I'm completely alone.'

Donovan and his son stayed in Castro's home on the North Shore, and John was present in nearly all the discussions between the two men.

'Even Castro was [interested in re-establishing relations with the U.S.],' John told MailOnline. 

'Castro was getting pressure from the Russians about how to handle his foreign affairs. A dictator does not like to be pressured by anybody. I think he wanted to play one side off the other.'

Aside from meetings, Castro and the three Americans enjoyed down time on the tropical island; Castro enjoyed having the teenage John around, and the two even went diving and spear-fishing in the Bay of Pigs.

When Donovan was asked how he negotiated with Castro, he said: 'How do purcupines make love? Very carefully'. 

But all this could have turned out very differently, if certain elements within the CIA had their way. 

Before the trip, the CIA provided Donovan with a diving suit to give to Castro as a gift. After Donovan's death, it came out that some in the CIA had tried to poison it.

If Donovan had given a poisoned suit to Castro, it could have made 'my father an unwitting accomplice to Castro's assassination,' John said.

'It might have been just as serious as the Missile Crisis, conceivably. But my father might have suspected something, because he just went out in New York and bought his own diving suit. 

'My father just gave it to him and Castro put it on, and went snorkeling in it, right there, in the Bay of Pigs.'

Instead, Donovan, John, and the 21 prisoners boarded the plane back to the U.S. Later that April, Donovan took one last trip to collect the remainder of those still in Cuba.  

Working with the Kennedy administration had sometimes proved frustrating. Donovan had gotten to know both John and Robert, known as Bobby, well during the Cuban negotiations.

Present: Castro obviously respected Donovan - he gave him these dominoes as a gift (held by son John)

Present: Castro obviously respected Donovan - he gave him these dominoes as a gift (held by son John)

Present: This first edition Justinian Code was given by Abel to Donovan after his return to Russia

Present: This first edition Justinian Code was given by Abel to Donovan after his return to Russia

When JFK was killed on November 22, 1963, Donovan - also a devout Catholic - was 'very upset' according to John. 

'They had a positive relationship...he really liked him. He thought he had a good heart.'

Donovan found working with Bobby more difficult. Donovan thought Bobby was 'ruthless', and more than once, he used a quote from father Joe Kennedy to describe the Attorney General: 'Bobby hates like me'. 

Their working relationship became more strained ahead of the 1962 New York Senate race. Donovan had decided he wanted to run, and Bobby tried to dissuade him. 

John recalls: 'Bobby was telling him he should bow out in favor of someone Bobby had in mind, so my father felt pretty angry about that, because the Kennedys, after all, really owed him a big debt, because they were the ones who sent the Bay of Pigs brigade into Cuba. The brigade was literally dying in a dungeon, on an island off of Cuba, with no way to get them out. My father did that job for them. 

'He didn't feel he was being well repaid to have Bobby talk like that.'

After the Bay of Pigs negotiations, Donovan started spending more time at home.  

From 1963 to 1965, he served as the President of the New York City Board of Education, an unpaid position for the largest educational system in the U.S.. 

Once again, Donovan found himself at the centre of a crisis - this time the civil rights movement, and one of the first busing crises in the U.S. Busing programs to break the de facto segregation of poorer and wealthier neighbourhoods, were a divisive issue.

'We had picketers at our house at that time, as well, because of the controversy,' remembers John. 

Delighted: The Donovan family attend the premiere of 'Bridge Of Spies' in New York City

Delighted: The Donovan family attend the premiere of 'Bridge Of Spies' in New York City

Donovan - who was even given a bodyguard - and the Board of Education devised a compromise, which ultimately worked.

His final career move would see him become President of the Pratt Institute in 1968 - the height of the counter-culture revolution. The school, as campuses across the U.S., faced regular demonstrations and anti-Vietnam protests.

It was something of a shock to the 52-year-old veteran who had served in WWII, John explained: 'He was trying to have a positive but firm role there. He said there were outer limits to that kind of protest...complicating the matter, was the fact that I was, his own son, was a marine infantryman in Vietnam.. he felt some sympathy.'  

Donovan's death from his third heart attack at the age 53 in January 1970 did not come as a shock to those who knew him well. 

He was in in ill health 'a lot', and Jan attributes this, in part, to stress. Despite his constant illnesses, 'He lived a life on fast much was accomplished in such a short time. It's amazing.'  

James Britt Donovan's funeral was held in New York's St. Patrick Cathedral which was filled 'to capacity' with admirers. His daughter Mary Ellen recounts: 'Jewish, Irish, African-Americans and Cubans....

'My favorite was a young man in jeans and a work shirt and carrying a lunch pail, who came up to me and asked if he might show his respect on his lunch hour - he never forgot what my dad had done for him and his family to get out of Cuba.

'I watched him go up to the casket, kneel and put his pail down and talk to my father. I knew my dad - that may be his finest moment.' 

  • Bridge of Spies opens in the UK on November 27. 
  • Donovan's own account of the spy swap, Strangers on a Bridge: The Case of Colonel Abel, has been re-released and can be bought here. 


Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-02-22